Group of people at a table in a study session.
Consortium for Advancing Translational Human Sciences

The Consortium for Advancing Translational Human Sciences (C@HS) moves research to practice, supports action steps for positive change and fosters community partnerships to improve quality of life for all. Translational human sciences enhances human health, wellbeing, and overall quality of life by engaging the community with the benefits of research knowledge in areas of human development, family relationships, nutrition, design, consumer behavior, and hospitality.



The Consortium for Advancing Translational Human Sciences (C@HS) brings together a diverse collective of scientist educators and leaders who are addressing real world challenges and opportunities in areas of individual, family and community life.



The Consortium for Advancing Translational Human Sciences (C@HS) enhances and promotes the work of human scientists through building a strong and vibrant network, sharing relevant information, resources and approaches, providing opportunities for collaboration, and encouraging new initiatives for student and community education.

C@HS Research Video