Undergraduate Research Opportunities

HDFS faculty welcome the participation of undergraduate students in their research. Interested students should contact faculty directly to learn about the focus of the various research projects and available opportunities for participation. Involvement in undergraduate research is a great way to strengthen your application for graduate school.


Internship Details

Study Concentration Credits Contact
The Psychobiology, Early Experience, and Resilience Lab (PEARL)

The Psychobiology, Early Experience, and Resilience lab (PEARL), directed by Dr. Nila Shakiba, focuses on understanding the effects of early life experiences—such as mother’s sleep quality, diet, and health during pregnancy, as well as the parent-child relationship, and parenting—on children’s socioemotional development, mental and physiological health. At PEARL, we also explore the biobehavioral mechanisms through which early life adversity impacts young children’s development and health. The PEARL welcomes talented undergraduate students as research assistants. If you are interested in joining the PEARL, please contact Dr. Nila Shakiba.

Any HDFS 1-3 Nila Shakiba, Ph.D.
Poverty Simulation

Dr. Moyer Want to earn practical experience in a family life education community course? Curious about family life education in action? Join Dr. Moyer in the spring 2025 semester (3 credits) as we plan for the first poverty simulation put on by HDFS. A poverty simulation is a role-play activity where participants are assigned to various "families" that are experiencing different struggles and types of poverty. They must navigate the resource tables and make decisions about what they can afford. It is an empathy building education activity that most participants enjoy and say changed how they think about families in poverty.

Any HDFS 1-3 Lisa Moyer, Ph.D.
Military REACH

The Military REACH team invites undergraduate students to join as research assistants and interns. This project aims to make research on military families both useful and practical. Military REACH resources are utilized by policymakers at the Department of Defense, helping professionals, and military families to guide their work, policy decisions, and daily lives. Learn more: www.MilitaryREACH.org.

Any HDFS 1-3 Katie Abbate
Health Equity Research Lab

We examine how health and well-being is evolving in societies around the world across socioeconomic or racial/ethnic groups. The goals of our research are to understand how social determinants of health vary across places and over time, monitor progress towards addressing health disparities, and generate research products that can inform related policy debate. Many opportunities exist for students to assist Dr. Fuller-Rowell and his team in the organization, analysis and write up of this research.

Any HDFS 1-3 Thomas Fuller-Rowell, Ph.D.
Harris Early Learning Center

Located in Birmingham, AL, the center serves students birth to age 5. HELC holds NAEYC accreditation and provides a play-based, developmentally appropriate education to growing students. With a mission of research and training, HELC has its own research apartment for guest researchers and interns.

Any HDFS 1-3 Mariah Weber, Ph.D.

The EMBRAHCE lab focuses on understanding how societal inequality and oppression affect mental health and intimate relationships for Black/African Americans. The EMBRAHCE lab welcomes undergraduates with any level of research experience who are interested in undergraduate research opportunities. Individuals who are highly motivated, responsible, and dependable are a good fit. Students will take part in various activities including, but not limited to, collecting, entering, and managing data, analysis, literature review, and writing/presenting results. Interested students should email Dr. August Jenkins, briefly explaining their interest. Positions will be filled on a rolling basis.

Any HDFS 1-3 August Jenkins, Ph.D.
Auburn University Early Learning Center

The Auburn University Early Learning Center is an accredited laboratory preschool serving children ages 2, 3, 4 and 5 years old in half day sessions. Children attend from 8:30-11:30 or from 12:30-3:30. The center, begun in 1926, has been continuously accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children since 1986

Any HDFS 1-3 Sharon Wilbanks, M.S.
Alabama Healthy Marriage and Relationship Education (AHMRE) Project

The AHMRE Project is an applied research project that implements relationship education programs with adult couples and evaluates program effectiveness. The AHMRE project welcomes undergraduates interested in undergraduate research assistantships or practicum. Opportunities include collecting, entering, and managing data, as well as recruiting for and observing classes in the community. Internships are also available that offer the full experience of community-based relationship programs and research methods.

Any HDFS 1-3 Julianne McGill
Alabama Youth Relationship Education (AYRE) Project

AYRE is an applied research project that implements relationship education programs for youth in high schools and evaluates the comparative effectiveness of two program implementation models. AYRE welcomes undergraduates from any major as service-learning students interested in facilitating relationship education in high schools, as well as undergraduate research assistants interested in collecting, entering, and managing program participant data. Internships are also available during fall and spring semesters that offer the full experience of community-based relationship programs and research methods.

Any HDFS 1-3 Julianne McGill
Preservation of Local African American History

The focus of the research project is to assist with researching, writing, and presenting the forgotten history of African Americans interred in historic cemeteries.

3 Robert Bubb, Ph.D.
Child Sleep, Health, & Development Lab

Our research focuses on examining the effects of stress (e.g., poverty, marital aggression) on adolescents’ and young adults’ sleep patterns, mental and physical health, physiological regulation and cognitive functioning. Internships and volunteer opportunities available.

Any Major/
2-3 Mona El-Sheikh, Ph.D.
Bridget Wingo (Lab Manager)
Sex Education and Teen Pregnancy Prevention

The purpose of our research is to conduct a descriptive evaluation study of the Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP) and Sexual Risk Avoidance Education Program (SRAE) in Alabama by collecting and analyzing data and preparing semi-annual reports for distribution to stakeholders and decision makers. Undergraduate students may earn 1-3 credit hours (three to nine hours per week) providing support in data entry, literature review, reporting, and other areas.

Not currently accepting
1-3 Adrienne Duke, Ph.D.
Social Development Lab

The Social Development Lab examines the peer relationships of children and adolescents with a focus on how those relationships influence socioemotional health and school adjustment. Currently, students in the lab will help with analysis and writing papers from existing data sets, particularly from the Friendship Hero Project, an evaluation of a clinical intervention to increase positive bystander behavior (i.e., defending) in response to bullying.

Elementary age 1 - 4 Wendy Troop-Gordon, Ph.D.
Marriage and Family Therapy Center Clinical Research

AUMFT is an applied research project that evaluates the effectiveness of systemic therapy services at the main center and two satellite offices for individuals, couples, and families receiving treatment. AUMFT is excited to train undergraduates interested in observational coding of therapist behaviors. Additionally, undergraduates collect, enter, and manage data related to client outcomes, and create clinical effectiveness reports. Internships are also available that connect students to all aspects of the therapy process, auditing therapist paperwork, and receiving client intakes, which are related to evaluating clinical outcomes for couples and families.

2 - 6 Scott A. Ketring, Ph.D.
Military REACH

The Military REACH team welcomes undergraduate students as research assistants and interns. The purpose of this project is to translate research on military families into implications and useful tools. Policy makers at the Department of Defense, military leadership, helping professionals, and military families use our work to inform their decisions and practices with regard to military families.

1 - 3 Mallory Lucier-Greer, Ph.D.
Relationships and Health Lab

The Relationships and Health Lab focuses on the nexus of couple relationships and health behaviors and outcomes in couples with chronic illnesses (Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, etc.). We are an interdisciplinary team consisting of people from many departments around campus, including nutrition, exercise science, pharmacy, and nursing. We are interested in studying how couple relationship processes in couples with chronic illnesses may help to improve engagement in healthy behaviors (such as diet, exercise, mindfulness, etc.) through improving emotional and mental health. Conversely, we are also interested in understanding how health and wellness (or lack of) influence relationship processes.

Health Concentration 1-3 Josh Novak, PhD, LMFT
The Alabama Department of Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention (ADCANP)
Strengthening Families Through Fathers (SFTF)

In partnership with the Alabama Department of Human Resources (DHR), the Children’s Trust Fund awarded federal dollars to community-based fatherhood programs. The SFTF study explores fatherhood program specific services successfully support the development of protective factors with fatherhood program participants with the goal of strengthening children and families in Alabama. As a member of the research team, you will enhance your knowledge of social science research that can be applied to coursework and develop database management skills while working with statistical software. You will also be able to network and build relationships with peers, graduate students, and faculty in HDFS.

Any HDFS 1-3 Donna Roland
The Alabama Department of Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention (ADCANP)
The Children’s Trust Fund (CTF)

The Alabama Department of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention (ADCANP) is the state lead agency designated to prevent child abuse and neglect and is explicitly focused on educating Alabama communities in the Strengthening Families™ framework. ADCANP oversees 150 plus community-based prevention programs focused on reducing risk factors for child maltreatment. The ADCANP/CTF Evaluation project welcomes undergraduate students from any major who are interested in learning more about the processes of program evaluation such as collecting and entering program participant data and an overview of research methods used to analyze data. We offer undergraduate research and internship opportunities. As a member of the research team, you will enhance your knowledge of social science research that can be applied to coursework and develop database management skills while working with statistical software. You will also be able to network and build relationships with peers, graduate students, and faculty in HDFS.

Any HDFS 1-3 Donna Roland
The Alabama Department of Child Abuse & Neglect Prevention (ADCANP)
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Evaluation Project

In partnership with the Alabama Department of Human Resources (DHR), the Children’s Trust Fund awarded federal TANF dollars to community-based fatherhood programs. The TANF study explores if fatherhood program specific services successfully support the development of protective factors with fatherhood program participants with the goal of strengthening children and families in Alabama. The ADCANP/TANF Evaluation project welcomes undergraduate students from any major who are interested in learning more about the processes of program evaluation such as collecting and entering program participant data and an overview of research methods used to analyze data. We offer undergraduate research and internship opportunities. As a member of the research team, you will enhance your knowledge of social science research that can be applied to coursework and develop database management skills while working with statistical software. You will also be able to network and build relationships with peers, graduate students, and faculty in HDFS.

Any HDFS 1-3 Donna Roland
Adolescent and Young Adult Development Lab

Dr. Samek’s lab is currently focused on collecting data from students as they transition into and out of college. We collect data on their substance use, personality, family, peer, and romantic relationships, as well as other related topics.

Adolescents Minimum of 3 Diana Samek, Ph.D.
Tuning in to Kids™ – Emotion Coaching Parenting Education – Intervention Evaluation and/or Internship

Tuning in to Kids is a six-session research-based parenting education offered through Alabama Cooperative Extension. You may apply to intern to deliver this program (2 term minimum). In addition, I am seeking undergraduate or graduate students interested in assisting with evaluation research and light curriculum improvements.

Any HDFS 1-3 Silvia Vilches, Ph.D.
Extension Publication Lab

In the Extension Publication Lab you learn the basics of science translation work, suitable for careers in science communication, public health and parenting outreach. We study how to create inclusive messaging and visuals, how to think about what audiences are interested in, and peer review each others’ work. We start with a structured revision of an existing publication, and then you may be able (if you want) to move on to your own project. All student authors are fully credited. See School Readiness Series: Overview in ACES.edu for an example.

CHS/HDFS 1-3 Silvia Vilches, Ph.D.
SaPHIRE – Starting Physical Health Intervention Really Early!

This pilot project will involve teachers and parents at six smaller and larger child care centers in Alabama to understand ways of encouraging physical activity among pre-school age children in outdoor play settings. There are opportunities for play observation, data collection, video analysis, or assisting with interviewing. You must have your CITI training. This will be an interdisciplinary team, and I welcome students from many majors and minors.

CHS 1-4 Silvia Vilches, Ph.D.
Auburn University Early Learning Center

The Auburn University Early Learning Center is an accredited laboratory preschool serving children ages 3, 4 and 5 years old in half day sessions. Children attend from 8:30-11:30 or from 12:30-3:30. The center, begun in 1926, has been continuously accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children since 1986.

Early Childhood Development 2 - 6 Sharon Wilbanks