Auburn senior draws from Career Center internship to lift up fellow students

Charlotte Tuggle | Communications Editor

College of Human Sciences senior Brooks Triplett goes above and beyond to highlight professional development, both in her own internship and through promoting her fellow career-ready students on Auburn’s campus.

Triplett is a Human Development and Family Science major with a minor in Philanthropy and Nonprofit Studies. She also works as a resident assistant, which is how she connected with the Auburn University Career Center in 2019. After hosting a career fair in her residence hall, Triplett sought an internship with the Career Center to assist students in their journey from college to career. She said the center is the hub of professional development and opportunity on campus, and an invaluable work experience for someone seeking a career in higher education.

“The most rewarding part of this experience is the gratitude that the students express when you help them resolve an issue,” Triplett said. “A lot of times, undergraduate students feel alone in their struggles and if someone can look at the issue with a new set of eyes and offer you some guidance, it can be the biggest weight lifted off your shoulders. Seeing that look of excitement and relief, knowing that I help someone take a step in a positive direction makes all the difference!”

At the Career Center, Triplett assists and shadows career counselors. She is preparing to start meeting with students one-on-one to help with cover letters and resumes, internship searches, career entry, job fair preparation and connecting students with resources to advance their professional development.

Inspired by her work with internship placement, Triplett pitched the #TakeoverTuesday series to the College of Human Sciences. She said CHS students have fascinating and sometimes nontraditional career development experiences that should be shared.

“I love getting the chance to look into the life of a student who is involved on campus and I know that Human Sciences students are doing some exciting things and I wanted those experiences to be highlighted,” Triplett said. “Our students are so driven and so passionate, and I know that they worked so hard to get the positions that they have, and I wanted them to have the chance to share it with the Human Sciences community. I knew this would also help other students who are searching for internships get real and applicable ideas and advice. I thought this initiative would be a great chance to show off our students, their passions, and the incredible work that they have done.”

The series has so far featured students who have interned at Faceplant Dreams in Tampa, Fl., The Circle of Care in Valley, Al. and the First Baptist Church of Tahoe City in California.

Triplett will host the next takeover Tuesday installment to discuss what she’s learned in her internship, the importance of taking advantage of the resources the Career Center has to offer and how her experience changed with the move to a remote environment.

“I wish, more than anything, that I could be in Mary Martin Hall with the rest of the team, but I know that with time so uncertain that it is important for me to prioritize my health and the health of all other Auburn students and faculty,” Triplett said. “The most difficult part about my remote internships is the communication barrier, but the Career Center team has gone above and beyond in reaching out to everyone and making sure we are updated and informed. Many students didn’t get to do their internship at all, and need our help moving forward, so I am just beyond grateful that I have this opportunity to begin with.”

For more information on the Auburn University Career Center, visit Follow Triplett’s story Tuesday, September 22 on the CHSatAU Instagram page.