Alumni Spotlight

Hailey Conquest
Global Studies
Global Studies has shaped me to be who I am today, and I would not be where I am in my career
if it weren’t for the education I received at Auburn and the specific coursework taken in the
Global Studies program. From studying abroad to internship experiences to capstone projects,
Global Studies gave me a plethora of knowledge to carry with me after graduation. Studying
abroad in Fiji allowed me to see firsthand the effects of climate change, which has helped me to
advocate for our planet in my current position with one of top aquariums in the nation.
Integrating Global Studies with my choice of minors, Sustainability Studies and Nonprofit and
Philanthropy Studies, was extremely beneficial in preparing me for my future career in global
nonprofits. The most important thing Global Studies taught me, though, is to be openminded and
look at the world around me through the eyes of someone else. In addition to everything else I
learned – the most important was humanity and humility.