Riley Parman
I chose to pursue Global Studies because I was drawn to a program that would provide me with a dynamic understanding of global issues and the flexibility to explore my interests. My ultimate goal is to merge my passion for sustainable agricultural development and policy with mission work. Within the Global Studies program, I decided to focus on Hunger Studies as a minor, which has deepened my understanding of food systems and insecurity worldwide. The knowledge I have gained through my studies has created a strong confidence in my ability to effectively address food security challenges. Additionally, Global Studies has significantly enhanced my cultural intelligence, equipping me with essential tools for meaningful cross-cultural service. This program has also provided me with a foundation of knowledge relevant to my interests, empowering me to communicate effectively with others and inspire them to care about global issues as well. These skills and experiences will be invaluable as I embark on my upcoming Global Studies study abroad and internship in Voro Voro, Fiji. During this experience, I will actively participate in farming practices, engage in waste management initiatives, and immerse myself in authentic Fijian village life. I am confident that this experience will further enrich my understanding of global cultures and serve as a crucial steppingstone toward my academic and career pursuits in public policy and international development.