For Study Participants


  1. A researcher will give you consent forms to read and sign.
  2. You will wear a sleep watch for 7 nights.
  3. You will complete several questionnaires from links we will email to you. These will include questions about your sleep, health, family relationships, school, community, peers, and the COVID-19 Pandemic.
  4. You will come in for one lab visit (note: some studies do not require a lab visit).
  5. You or a researcher will place electrodes on your chest, back, and hand to monitor your heart rate, respiration, and skin conductance level (if your palms sweat) while you perform 2 tasks.
  6. You will complete a test of cognitive abilities.
  7. We will get your height, weight, and waist circumference.


  1. Maintain a regular sleep/wake schedule.
  2. Make the bedroom quiet, dark, cool, and comfortable.
  3. Use a fan or sound machine to cover noise.
  4. Create a bedtime routine.
  5. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, and heavy meals before bedtime.
  6. Exercise in the morning or afternoon.
  7. Try to avoid napping after 5:00 pm.
  8. Keep a notepad and pen by your bed if you need to write things down to allow yourself to relax.
  9. Try breathing exercises, stretching, or listening to soothing music for relaxation.
  10. Avoid bright lights.
  11. Iron deficiency can contribute to sleep problems.
  12. Go to a doctor if sleep problems disrupt daily functioning.

Sleep Foundation